Great Cage for Rabid Dog, But …

The image title reads, “Great cage for a rabid dog! For nuclear waste? Not so good.” On the right is the image of a thin-walled nuclear waste canister with a grid over the opening. To the left, under the question “What’s wrong with this picture?” are seven bullet points, as follows: “#1, Each can equals one Chernobyl, waiting to happen. #2, Used at most US nuclear plants. #3, Cannot be inspected or repaired. #4, Can crack or leak in the short term. #5, Susceptible to water damage. #6, Stored next to large bodies of water. #7, Cannot be legally or safely moved away.” Across the bottom are the words, “Solution: Replace with thick-walled casks.”

The nuclear waste storage cans used at most US nuclear plants, each one containing as much radioactivity as was released at Chernobyl, have numerous failings. They can crack but cannot be inspected for cracks, cannot be repaired, are susceptible to water damage but cannot be legally moved away from the water they’re dangerously close to. What’s wrong with this picture?