Climate Change?
Let It Empower Your Family!

Graphic shows hjappy mon, kids, dog, butterfly, and a smiling Earth, with "Quality Time with Family Creating a Sustainable Future" in childish red script.

We’re here to embrace and empower families of all kinds to step up boldly to secure a sustainable future for our children.

How? By working together! Adults partnering with the kids, teens, and other families to:

  1. Understand the causes of climate change
  2. Implement viable steps to a greener lifestyle
  3. Exert our combined power where it counts, and
  4. Co-create the best possible future for all life.

Yes, the climate is changing—and it’s pretty clear human actions are the main reason. Earth can’t take much more of the abuse we have been laying on her. How is she letting us know that?

  • Extreme Heat
  • Melting polar icecaps
  • Rising sea levels
  • More frequent and intense storms
  • Widespread extreme heat and drought
  • Food shortages
  • And more—in short, climate change, aka global warming. Are you feeling it? Probably, by now.

People everywhere are beginning to feel global warming’s punch to the gut. It’s getting closer and closer an impossible situation—and we must not allow it to become that.

Every step we take to limit our individual and collective carbon footprints helps to lessen its impact on our children’s future.

Four kids of mixed ethnicity stand proudly in front of a happy earth rich in plant and animal life, under a banner that says “Save Earth,” all set against a sky-blue background. Text to the left asks, “Our Earth—How well are we loving her?”

The Stage is Set for Family Climate Change Heroes!

Opportunities for climate change heroism abound. A simple “can-do” shift in perspective opens the door to embracing this opportunity to step up together and make a mighty difference!

Eco Active 101 logo

Okay, so maybe one person, one family, can’t change the world. But you are not alone! Every day, more and more parents, grandparents, and extended family members are awakening to the need to do their part.

And our kids and teens? They’re having their eyes opened at a young age. Toddlers and elementary school children hear about climate change at the dinner table and on TV. Teens are awake and aware of the dangers and the causes of climate change, and struggling not to give up hope that the adults in their family and other families around the world, but especially in the countries doing the most damage, will focus their energies in time to save the day.

We adults need to listen to them on this. Let them lead the way to a family plan you can implement together to create a more eco friendly lifestyle.

Family teamwork makes all the difference. Working together with our kids and other families, we can accomplish wonders—not only in our own lives, but on the global scene as well. And working together toward such an important goal has myriad benefits! For example, it teaches our kids the value of teamwork, empowers them to become leaders, and strengthens the family bond. In addition, kids and youth are highly susceptible to climate anxiety and depression, and there’s no better antidote than meaningful action.

Of course, doing your part means making changes that move you toward a more eco friendly family life. And change can be scary. But it can be fun, when you get the support you need to jump right into it!

Colorful graphic shows a green earth with trees all around it, a red-headed girl at the top patting down the soil, and a large blue shape running through the earth … is it a river, or a pair of goggles? The words around the picture say, “Just put on your Eco-Glasses… for a shift in Perspective.”

Let’s Make Teamwork a Family Tradition!

Here at Eco Active 101, everyone in your extended family will find the global warming introduction they need to better understand how families working together can:

  • Minimize the negative impacts of climate change
  • Maintain a positive outlook
  • Be of assistance to those who need help, and
  • Have a great time doing it!

To get started, subscribe to our newsletter and get bonus Eco Cheat Sheets! Print them, discuss the steps with your family and decide who will do what, and when. Then pin the sheets up on your refrigerator or someplace where you will all see them and be inspired to take action, large or small.

And then?

Elementary school youth will love the eco picture storybooks (and later, chapter books) at GreenSongPress. Griffie the 21st-Century Griffin—our fictional eco hero—is out to win his eagle feathers by getting kids to help him protect Earth and her animals. He’s adorable, the perfect sustainability teacher for young children.

For teens and adults, there’s our upcoming “Team Green Song” edu-action program will bring the extended family together with other families to learn from the experts and take concerted action. Families learn how to move through climate change together to minimize its effects on the environment and protect your own and your kids’ mental and emotional health.

If that sounds good to you, climb on board! We’re ready for you. Choose a blog post and start reading and planning your family’s action steps. (If you work with kids or have children or grandchildren whose future is at stake, we suggest you start with this article.)

Eco Active BLOG Logo

Or head over to Green Song Press and check out our fun picture books. Children will love Griffie and Pluck, our inspiring stars. Griffie will show them ways to care for nature. And Pluck is here to help them develop the self-confidence and social skills they’ll need to become all that they can be.

To your eco-active empowerment,
Chiwah Slater

Writer, Book Editor & Designer, Publisher; Eco Activist

Tree used in Logo Graphic Attribution: