Eco Active 101 Climate Change & Kids’ Eco Books Newsletter

Welcome to the very first issue of our Eco Active 101 Newsletter! We’ll be covering a wide variety of environmental topics (most of which impact climate change) and offering tips on how to have fun with your kids or grandkids (or just the kids you care about), doing good things for Earth and her animals and plants. All of that in (as you can see in the header) a more-or-less-weekly fashion.

Newsletter header showing "Eco Active 101" in bold turquoise blue letters and under that, "More-or-Less-Weekly Newsletter" in black as well as the newsletter title, date, and issue number.

It’s 2023—Time to Open to Awe!

Red rocks, forest, creek, and wildflowers on the West Fork of Oak Creek Trail in Coconino National Forest just south of Flagstaff, Arizona

As we move into this new year, why not make a conscious decision to nurture a sense of awe?

Science tells us the Universe began with a Big Bang. Maybe—but that doesn’t explain how everything we know could have come from nothing. As Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

In the face of impending planetary disaster from climate change, there are those who remain unintimidated, staunch in their belief in the power of innovative thought and Earth stewardship. Yes! Why not embrace the power of awe and open our hearts to the miracle of human creativity and goodwill?

By embracing awe, we get a double win: first, we find joy and hope in the mysteries of life and in the power of the mind to imagine and create new solutions; and second, we find fulfillment in caring for this awesome world we’ve been given.

Let’s make 2023 the year we open our hearts to the power of awe—and thus, to a renewed sense of optimism that can open the floodgates to a bright, eco-friendly future for all life.

Buckwheat—A Plant to Beat Climate Change

A flowering buckwheat plant with inset showing a plate of buckwheat pancakes topped with fruit

If you’ve always thought of buckwheat as just another grain, think again! Turns out, it’s not a grain at all, but a seed. Related to rhubarb, buckwheat surpasses rice, wheat, and corn in nearly every way as a healthful food and eco-friendly crop.

Not only does buckwheat not spike blood sugar levels, it also contains more protein than other grains, as well as essential aminos like lysine and arginine. And it’s gluten free, which makes it ideal for those with gluten allergies or celiac disease. Furthermore, buckwheat is low in fat, and like olive oil, its fat is mostly monounsaturated. And its fiber can help reduce inflammation and colon cancer risk.

To top it off, buckwheat has been shown to lower blood pressure and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, discourage obesity, and even lower blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. 

Moreover, buckwheat makes for a great garden cover crop. Far more eco friendly than wheat, this fast-growing plant smothers pesky weeds, protects against erosion, and keeps your soil moist. And it helps counter the effects of climate change by attracting beneficial insects as pollinators. Buckwheat even looks nice in a summer bouquet! (It is a summer plant, as it does not withstand frost.)

To sum up: Buckwheat is far better for your health than wheat, it’s good for the soil, and its fragrant blossoms will attract honeybees and other beneficial insects to your garden.

The gucciest!

Best Ever Eco Video for Kids—and for You!

Guaranteed, you are going to love this eco video! Climate change is front and center in an easy-to-digest format. Serious but not scary, it gets the message across. Click the image to watch the video! And share it from Youtube with the kids and everyone else you know. (If the link doesn’t work, type this into your browser address bar: )

That’s All, Folks!

Until more-or-less next week.

Take the confusion out of “going green”—

Grab our “3 Eco Cheat Sheets in 1” giveaway!

To your eco-active empowerment,
Eco Activist 🙂 Kids’ Book Author 💡 Editor 😯 Book Formatter 😎 Cover Designer 😀 Publisher:,,
